Commitment to Performance Excellence
The Lake Howell High School Band aims at offering all of our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding activities in music and visual performance.
From the marching band performing on the football field, to the color guard performing in gymnasiums, to concert and jazz bands and percussion ensembles performing in auditoriums, there is no shortage of avenues to perform.

Marching Band
The Silver Regiment Marching Band is made up of the combined membership of all Lake Howell High School Band performing ensembles. This is a competitive musical marching unit organized to provide artistic and entertaining performance for football games, parades, pep rallies, and competitions.
The Silver Regiment Marching Band competes in the Florida Marching Band Championships (FMBC) circuit and has been a state finalist for many years.

Color Guard
The Silver Regiment Color Guard is a non-musical section that provides the strongest visual support to the marching band's performance. The color guard interprets the music that the marching band is playing via the synchronized spinning of flags, sabres, riles, other piece of equipment, and through dance.
The Silver Regiment Color Guard also comprises multiple performance ensembles during the winter guard season. Unlike the color guard unit that performs with the marching band, the Winter Guard performs indoors in gymnasiums/arenas and competes in the Florida Federation of Colorguards (FFCC) and Winter Guard International (WGI) circuits.

Wind Ensemble
The Wind Ensemble is the premiere concert band of the Lake Howell High School Band Program. Students are accepted into this ensemble by audition only.
This ensemble is comprised of primarily upper classmen who strive to excel in instrumental music. In addition, it is expected that all of the students of this ensemble participate in Solo and Ensemble Festival. Students are encouraged to audition for All-County and All-State Bands. The band literature that this ensemble performs is advanced and private lessons are strongly suggested.
The Wind Ensemble participates in Florida Bandmasters Association (FBA) District and State Concert Band Festivals. The Lake Howell Band Program is proud that the Wind Ensemble consistently receives superior ratings at FBA District and State Concert Festivals.

Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is the second concert band of the Lake Howell Band Program. This ensemble is comprised of mostly under classmen and audition is not required for this band.
The band literature that this ensemble performs is dependent on the level of the group and private lessons are strongly suggested. Students are encouraged to participate in Solo and Ensemble Festival. Also, students are encouraged to audition for All-County and All-State Bands.
The Symphonic Band participates in Florida Bandmasters Association (FBA) District and State Concert Band Festivals. The Lake Howell Band Program is proud that the Symphonic Band consistently receives superior ratings at FBA District Concert Festivals.

Jazz Band
The Jazz Band is offered for students who strive for excellence in the area of Jazz. This band is made up of Trumpets, Trombones, Saxophones, Drums, Bass, Piano, and Auxiliary Percussion. Students are accepted into this ensemble by audition only.
The Jazz Band participates in Florida Bandmasters Association (FBA) District and State Concert Band Festivals.

Percussion Ensemble
The Percussion Ensemble consists of students wanting to strive for excellence in all areas of percussion. This group includes members of the Silver Regiment Marching Band, Wind Ensembles, and Symphonics bands. During concert seasons, members are split into an intermediate and advanced percussion ensemble based on skill level.
The Percussion Ensembless participate in the Florida Bandmasters Association (FBA) District and State Solo and Ensemble Festivals and and have consistently received superior ratings. In addition, the Marching Percussion section has won numerous "Best Percussion" awards.